Garden Grove, Calif. (July 1, 2020) – Effective immediately, job seekers can now borrow laptops and hotspots for free at the Orange County (OC) One-Stop Center in Garden Grove. The County of Orange Community Investment Division has 25 laptops and hotspots available to increase job seekers’ access to workforce development programs and services offered during this critical period.
“The County continues to look for ways to help residents whose jobs may have been impacted by COVID-19,” said Chairwoman Michelle Steel, Second District Supervisor. “Job seekers can now borrow these laptops and hotspots for free to research and prepare for their next career move.”
The laptops and hotspots are now available for checkout to all County residents, enabling dislocated workers free access to apply for jobs, unemployment insurance (UI) benefits, and access to the Virtual OC One-Stop Center for support. To borrow a laptop and hotspot, job seekers can contact the OC Economic and Business Recovery Call Center at (714) 480-6500 and complete a telephone application. The laptops and hotspots will be available for checkout as a pair at no cost.
“It is important that the County of Orange provide resources that allow all residents a fair chance at employment opportunities,” said Vice Chairman Andrew Do, First District Supervisor. “Having access to the internet is essential to keep up with the ever-changing job climate, and loaner laptops and hotspots will fulfill that need for job seekers.”
In addition to the laptop and hotspot loans, the OC One-Stop Center offers free comprehensive services such as hiring assistance, career transition services, and employment services to businesses.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the OC One-Stop Center had to modify service delivery available to match the need of those impacted. This includes the launch of a Virtual One-Stop Center which allows residents’ online access to services and resources traditionally offered at the OC One-Stop Center.
For more information about the OC One-Stop Center, visit https://www.oconestop.com.
This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please call 949-341-8000. TDD/TTY users, please call the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2922 or 711. Please call 48 hours in advance to allow the One-Stop Center to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this program.