SANTA ANA, Calif. (October 1, 2020) – Hosted by the Orange County (OC) Board of Supervisors and in partnership with a consortium of Orange County chambers and organizations, the Orange County Virtual Job Fair will take place online on Thursday, October 15, 2020, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Residents seeking employment and businesses with job openings are encouraged to participate.
“The County is pleased to offer this free resource to residents who need assistance finding employment opportunities during this challenging time,” said Chairwoman Michelle Steel, Second District Supervisor.
According to the Employment Development Department (EDD) unemployment reports, there are currently over 200,000 Orange County residents displaced from work who now need employment due to the impacts of COVID-19. As a response, the County decided to move the traditionally held in-person event to an online platform so jobseekers of all levels and skills could attend and seek employment opportunities safely.
“In today’s economic climate, virtual career fairs are more important than ever,” said Vice Chairman Andrew Do, First District Supervisor. “Offering the Job Fair virtually is an example of how the County continues to adapt to COVID-19 to meet the needs of the community without sacrificing services and resources normally provided.”
Jobseekers will be able to access multiple employers on this online platform, providing them a greater opportunity for employment success with more than 70 employers anticipated to be in attendance representing a wide range of industries. Employers participating in the Virtual Job Fair will be giving short presentations on their businesses, accepting resumés, interviewing prospective employees, and possibly hiring on the spot.
“The Virtual Job Fair gives a central location for jobseekers and businesses to safely interact and meet each other’s employment needs while the County works toward reopening,” said Supervisor Donald Wagner, Third District.
The OC One-Stop Center is currently offering free workshops including resume critique and interview techniques to help participants prepare for the job fair. Workshops will be offered live and also pre-recorded so jobseekers can access them at their convenience.
“We highly encourage jobseekers to take advantage of free resources offered through the OC One-Stop Center, so they can have their best chance of being employed,” said Supervisor Doug Chaffee, Fourth District. “Preparation is key in landing that next job.”
Scheduled dates and times for the workshops can be found on the OC One-Stop Centers’ website at https://www.oconestop.com/workshops.
“The Virtual Job Fair is coming at a time when businesses are in the process of, or are currently reopening,” said Supervisor Lisa Bartlett, Fifth District. “It is important to connect these companies with those seeking employment, so businesses can resume operations successfully while safely serving the community.”
Those who wish to participate in the Orange County Virtual Job Fair will need a computer, cell phone, or tablet with internet access. For more information on how jobseekers and businesses can access and participate, visit https://www.oconestop.com/job-fairs.
The County of Orange would like to thank the following Orange County chambers and organizations for partnering on this event: Anaheim Workforce Development, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, Anaheim Workforce Connection, Brea Chamber of Commerce, Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce, Cypress Chamber of Commerce, Dana Point Chamber of Commerce, Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce, Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, Irvine Chamber of Commerce, La Habra Chamber of Commerce, Ladera Ranch Chamber of Commerce, Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce, Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce, Lake Forest Chamber of Commerce, Lake Forest City Hall, North Orange County Chamber of Commerce, OC Iranian American Chamber of Commerce, Orange County Business Council, Placentia Chamber of Commerce, Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce, Santa Ana Workforce Development Board, San Clemente Chamber of Commerce, San Clemente City Hall, and South Orange County Chamber of Commerce.
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The Orange County Workforce Development Board, through the Orange County One-Stop Center, offers comprehensive services such as hiring assistance, career transition services, and employment services to businesses and jobseekers at no cost. For more information, please contact the Orange County Garden Grove One-Stop at (714) 241-4900.
This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please call 949-341-8000. TDD/TTY users, please call the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2922 or 711. Please call 48 hours in advance to allow the One-Stop Center to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this program.